
Friday, January 1, 2010

Brengle - December 21

I had so much fun with these two! We started off playing for about 30 minutes with the crazy amount of toys Mr. L had, puppets, trucks and large stuffed dogs, what fun. Then Ms. A took me into her room filled with HSM, butterflies & dolls, we started the photo shoot here and traveled throughout the house to get the pics below. Thanks for letting me visit. I had a blast and hope I get to see you again real soon.

Perry Holiday- December 4

Aunt Rena will be getting some feedback on this in 15 or so years but I couldn't pass it up..he he

Is this as sweet as it comes or what : )

Jackson Family - November 24

Very much looked forward to seeing Becki & the girls. I could hardly believe how big they were compared to the last visit. It was also fun to see "mom" who took care of us all the times we hung out when we were little one's ourselves. Love you all and look forward to seeing you again soon!

Perry - October 31

Katelyn is now 4 months old and Landon is 2 years old. Crazy to think that not long ago we were so excited to hear you were expecting and now we have two miracles keeping life very active and filling our hearts with amazing love. Never before have I felt a love like that for my niece and nephew.