What an amazing accomplishment. Everyone turned out to congratulate the couple, from grand-kids to original wedding party attendants. It was amazing to still see the sparkle in their eye. Many more to both of you and congrats on being a great example.
This was another beautiful day for a small event with close family and friends. So easy going and laid back, it was a nice change to focus on the commitment and not so much on the trappings. Congrats to both of you and best of wishes.
We had a lot of fun at this new little park off of Old State Road, what a great little spot. It was nice meeting all of you, I had a blast and hope to catch up with you again in the future.
I absolutely love this family. I think I have more fun then they do when we have a shoot. These two are adorable and so easy to work with, its really a joy.
Everyone over for food, fun & fellowship while wrapping it up with some fireworks. The more the merrier at this party, the count was well over sixty but everyone had a great time, from toddlers to grandparents.
I thrive on capturing the emotion in the small moments that make up our lives. Wedding day bliss, the tears as a new one arrives, memories of the first year, teens and toddlers, special events marking the turn of time, it's an honor to be capturing it all. Interested in finding out more? I'd love to hear from you, please send me a note at LT46speed@aol.com